7eme Symposium Hypercholestérolémie Familiale en Pédiatrie

La Société Européenne d’Athérosclérose, en collaboration avec FH Europe, organise 7eme Symposium PED-FH le 25 mai 2024 à Lyon, en amont du 92e Congrès de l’EAS.

Les sujets abordés seront :
– présentation, génétique et prise en charge des dyslipidémies rares chez l’enfant
– initiation et cibles du traitement LDL-C chez les enfants avec hypercholestérolémie familiale (FH)
– optimiser l’adhésion et le suivi d’un traitement hypolipidémiant chez les adolescents avec FH.

Plus d’informations et inscription gratuite via ce lien.

Programme détaillé :

10.00-10.05 Welcome – Steve Humphries (UK) and Noel Peretti (France)
10.05-11.20 Rare dyslipidemias in children: Clinical presentation and early diagnosis 
Chairs: Noel Peretti (France) and Mafalda Bourbon (Portugal)
10.05-10.20 Familial Chylomicron Syndrome (FCS) – Sybile Charriere (France)
10.20-10.35 Living with Familial Chylomicronaemia Syndrome – the patient experience – Jill Prawer (FH Europe Foundation)
10.35-10.50 Lysosome Acid Lipase Deficiency (LAL-D)  – Stella Reichmannova (Czech Republic)
10.50-11.05 Sitosterolaemia – Diagnosis, Genetics and Management  – Emil Asprusten (Norway)
11.05-11.25 2x Clinical Scenarios – Led by Uma Ramaswami (UK)
11.25-11.50 Coffee break
11.50-13.00 Is it time to lower targets for initiation and on treatment LDL-C?
Chairs: Kirsten Holven (Norway) and Marianne Becker (Luxembourg)
11.50-12.10 The update of the EAS Paediatric FH Guidelines  – Albert Wiegman (The Netherlands)
12.10-12.25 Treatment goals in FH – time to consider LDL-C burden – Martin Bogsrud (Norway)
12.25-12.40 Do we need different LDL-C thresholds/targets in different countries? – Kanika Dharmayat (UK)
12.40-12.55 The IAS initiative on Neonatal screening for FH – Raul Santos (Brazil) 
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.50 How to maximise compliance and adherence to treatment in adolescents with FH Universal Screening in childhood
Chairs: Magdalena Daccord (FH Europe) and Jeanine Roeters van Lennep (The Netherlands)
14.00-14.20 What psychological factors influence adherence to treatment in childhood and adolescence? – Fiona Kinnear (UK)
14.20-14.35 Maximising adherence: The Australian experience – Gerald Watts (Australia)
14.35-14.50 Predicting non-adherence in patients with FH – Annette Galema-Boers (Netherlands)
14.50-15.10 What do patients find that encourages or discourages adherence to medication and lifestyle advice – Elsie Evans (UK) & Danique van den Bogert (The Netherlands)
15.10-15.25 What can we learn from the experience with Type 1 Diabetes – Carine de Beaufort (Luxembourg)
15.25 -15.50 Round table discussion with all speakers
15.50-16.00 Voting for next year’s topics and Wrap up – Steve Humphries (UK)
16.00-17.00 Networking drinks

Date : 25 mai 2024

Lieu : Lyon